Chefs for London

Culinary recruitment & management company, introducing culinary trained chefs and students to London's leading restaurants.

Friday, September 18, 2015

How will Chefs for London benefit your Restaurant?

There were two major factors that we took into account when we designed our company "Time and Cost". 

With the increasing number of restaurants operating in London, which includes 51 Michelin stars and many more fantastic world class Restaurants, it is obvious that the bar for good food and professional service in London is set at the highest standard.
Due to Restaurants constantly pushing for higher standards, the demand for good Chefs has dramatically increased over the last few years and made it extremely hard to find and manage Chefs. 

Chefs for London specialise in Chefs that want to work in London. It allows us to focus all our expertise and resources in one place, providing our Restaurants and Chefs with the best possible service we can offer. 


We have created a platform that enables restaurants to have easy access to trained professional Chefs in our network which we obtained through a series of marketing strategies and good relations with some of the best Chefs universities and culinary schools in the world. 

All the Chefs in our network have a summary of their curriculums with only the most relevant information about their careers as a Chef, posted on our website. 
Before any Chef can post their Profile on our website, our team will first review their CVs and work states to make sure they meet our requirements. By doing so, we keep the platform clean and organised and our Restaurants can quickly search with the filter option and find professionally trained Chefs in minutes.  
By simply clicking on the Chefs profiles that interest your company we will automatically be notified and get in contact with that Chef and arrange a trial shift for the Chef at your Restaurant as soon as possible. 

With Ad+, Restaurants can very quickly create as many free Job offers on our website as they like and even store the ads in their profiles with the Play and Pause option for quick and easy future recruitment use. Chefs can apply directly to the ads and we will receive the information immediately so there is absolutely no need for our restaurants to go through all the applications and waste time. We do it for you.  

With the information provided in the ads, our recruitment team will get straight to work and start looking for Chefs that we think will be the ideal candidate for your restaurant. 
We will then choose the top candidates from the information we received and send an email with the Chefs’ profiles, the location of the Restaurant and time and date of the Chefs’ trial shifts. All that is left for you to do is just confirm back to us by email that everything is in order. 

To summarise:

  • Create your quick and easy Ad. 

  • Confirm back to us via the confirmation email. 

  • You can also quickly search through our Chefs’ profiles and click on the Chefs you like.

What we do for you:

  • A free platform where our restaurants can advertise and search for professional Chefs. 

  • Various tools to help you achieve your recruitment goals in minutes.  

  • Our team will find Chefs for you through a series of marketing strategies. 

  • We organise and deal with all the applications and will only send you the top candidates. 

  • We organise the time and dates for all Chefs trials at your restaurant.

  • If you need, our team will help you create your ad. 

  • Handel all phone calls and emails for you. 

  • Follow up call


  • Chefs for London is 60% cheaper than most agencies in London.

  • Free advertisement on our website. 

  • We will not invoice the Restaurant if the Chef or Restaurant decides within the first month that the arrangement is not working out. 

  • No need for expensive phone calls. Our website has been set up so that everything can be done by just logging on to your profile.

Chefs for London has been designed to save you time and money. You can now achieve your recruitment goals in minutes without those frustrating emails and phone calls usually associated with the recruitment process.  


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